Sunday, June 3, 2007


chholok joler atol tole
montake noy maniye chole
ektu meghe ektu rod
hasi bhora kanna chokh
akash bhora tarar bhire
dur theke dur tepantore
ektu alos-khoner fanke
dur piyal r taler banke
ekfali chand oi je dekhe
mon je bohudur....
abar alos dibanhete
bairagi mon jokhon ore
kajer bishom kolorole
byasto se ek sur....


Arnab said...

jakhon sab katha jay theme
takhon chuppkatha bole
dekhon dari nei je chhuti
mon apon pathe chole

brishtileena said...

The overall rhyme scheme is very arresting…imageries’re vivid and entwined with the subtle use of onomatopoeia and alliteration. It is ‘the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings'... reflects her tranquil moments.

ei chhonder jharnadhara jeno themey na jay....